Secrets of nature (3)

The scientists found that the bee is using ultra violet ray for vision, also they found that …

The eye of the bee
The scientists found that the bee is using ultra violet ray for vision, also they found that eye of the bee consists of thousands of small lenses taking the hexagonal shape and that design helps the bee for better vision in forests and to avoid collision with others. The bee can perform one trillion arithmetic operations in one second which is faster than any computer in the world despite its brain size which is less than head of a pin! Allah Almighty says: (He is the Originator of the heavens and the earth. How can He have children when He has no wife? He created all things and He is the All-Knower of everything)(Sûrat Al-An’âm- The Cattle- verse101).  
Wonders of the bees
The researchers admitted that brain of the bee is loaded by readymade programs to enable it to perform all complicated operations to produce honey, Allah Almighty says: (And your Lord inspired the bee, saying: "Take you habitations in the mountains and in the trees and in what they erect.){Sûrat An-Nahl- the Bees-verse68}
Frogs can predict the earthquakes 

The researchers confirm that the frog is supported by very sensitive prediction system for earthquakes which is more advanced than any other human tool, it can hear the emitted sounds from the ground two days before the earthquake. The frog can detect and measure low frequencies that human can't hear so it can run away from the area two days before the earthquake. Allah Almighty says: (And has subjected to you all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth; it is all as a favor and kindness from Him. Verily, in it are signs for a people who think deeply)(Sûrat Al-Jâthiyah-verse13). Glory to Allah!!!!
Animals can predict the earthquakes 
In 2004, a destructive tsunami hit the Indonesian beaches and thousands of people were killed, a little time before the earthquake dogs run away and elephants started to shout. The scientists explained this phenomenon that earth emits vibrations (low than 20 hertz) which is less than 20 vibrations per second before the earthquake and the tsunami. These animals can detect these vibrations before all advanced machines. Glory to Allah Almighty who exploited these creatures for us as He Almighty says: (And has subjected to you all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth; it is all as a favor and kindness from Him. Verily, in it are signs for a people who think deeply)(Sûrat Al-Jâthiyah- the Kneeling -verse13).
Animals lie
Many researches confirm that animals can cheat and lie exactly like human. The researchers in the biology section at University of Potsdam assure that lying is existed between monkeys, elephants, fish and birds. Glory to Allah Almighty who told us this scientific reality 1400 years ago as He Almighty says: (There is not a moving (living) creature on earth, nor a bird that flies with its two wings, but are communities like you. We have neglected nothing in the Book, and then unto their Lord they (all) shall be gathered.){Sûrat Al-An’âm-The Cattle -verse38}

By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel 

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