Quran is the Only Book which Has Been Protected from Altercations

Whether you are a Muslim or not, one thing all scholars have agreed upon: The Quran has been preserved as it was revealed to the prophet in the 6th century. Copies of the Quran are still available in Tashqand and Cairo. One of the properties of the Muslim Nation is “ISNAD”. Isnad means means having narration chains where each person in the narration chain is well known and has his life recorded and studies.
The holy Quran has been narrated through narration chains where a large group of narrators who are of very strong memory and minds have narrated the same text from one generation to the next (with the condition of actually meeting each other and listening to each other with no time gaps). This large group of narrators cannot all agree on a lie. The names and the life stories of EACH person is recorded and studied. Each narrator has his whole family recorded.
These narrations have agreed with the copies from the Quran.
Compare that with the current bible for example where there is no recorded narration chains (without putting the condition of having no time gaps or even having names for those narrators). Compare the Quran with current bible where you have thousands of manuscripts; no two are the same. Compare that with the writers of the bible where you only have one name: John who? Luke who? What is their last name?
The Quran has been revealed in Arabic and it’s read in Arabic. For the first time, the people speak the language of the prophet not the other way around. There are translations of the Quran in different languages but the Quran is in Arabic and should be read in Arabic noting that ‘translations of meaning’ is different than a version.
The Sunnah or the traditions of the prophet are protected through the same narration chains.
That being said; the Quran and the Sunnah have two distinct styles which have never contradicted.

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