A star is dying

The above photo was taken by “Hubble Space Telescope” and published ….

The above photo was taken by “Hubble Space Telescope” and published by NASA, the photo for a star that is 4000 light years far from us, scientists say that the star exploded and its size was diminished and converted to be a White dwarf star. Temperature of that explosion is four hundred thousand degree!!! Astronomers confirm that our sun will face the same destiny as its size will diminish till it becomes a small sun
Allah Almighty tells us about that future event by saying: (When the sun Kuwwirat (wound round and lost its light and is overthrown).){ Sûrat At-Takwîr - Wound Round and Lost its Light-verse1
This is a clear evidence that Allah Almighty is the only creator of the universe and He is the one who descended the holy book of Qur’an. 

By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

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