The Land and Soil

Like air and water, the land and soil are essential for the perpetuation of our lives and the lives of other creatures. God has declared in the Qur’an, “And the earth He has established for living creatures. [1] From the minerals of the earth are made the solid constituents of our bodies, as well as those of all the living animals and plants. God has said in the Qur’an, “And among His signs is that He has created you from dust; then behold, you are humans scattered widely. [2] He has also made the land our home and in the home of all terrestrial beings. ” And God has made you grow, as a plant from the earth; then to it He returns you, and He will bring you forth a new… [3] And as our home, the   land has value as open space: “…and God has made the earth a wide expanse, that you may traverse its open ways. [4]
God has made the land a source of sustenance and livelihood for us and other living creatures: He has made the soil fertile to grow the vegetation upon which we and all animal life depend. He has made the mountains to catch and store the rain and to perform a role in stabilizing the crust of the earth, as He has shown us in the Glorious Qur’an: “Have We not made the earth a vessel to hold the living and the dead? And We have made in it lofty mountains and provided you sweet water to drink. [5] And the earth, after that He has spread it out; from it He has brought forth its waters and its pastures, and He has made fast the mountains, a provision for you and for your cattle.[6] And the earth, We have spread it out, and made in it mountains standing firm, and grown in it every thing in balance.  And We have provided in it sustenance for you, and for those whom you do not support. [7] And a sign for them is the lifeless earth: We bring it to life and bring forth from it grain of which they eat. And we have made therein gardens of palms and vines. [8]
If we would truly give thanks to the Creator, we are required to maintain the productivity of the soil, and not expose it to erosion by wind and flood; in building, farming, grazing, forestry, and mining, we are required to follow practices which do not bring about its degradation but preserve and enhance its fertility. For to cause the degradation of this gift of God, upon which so many forms of life depend, is to deny His tremendous favors. And because any act that leads to its destruction or degradation leads necessarily to the destruction and degradation of life on earth, such acts are categorically forbidden.
Finally, the Prophet Muhammad, God’s blessing and peace be upon him, declared that “The whole earth has been created as a place of worship for me, pure and clean. [8]Accordingly, we are charged with treating it with the respect due to a place of worship, and with keeping it pure and undefiled.