Tender Meat

(And He it is who has subjected the sea to you, that you eat thereof fresh tender meat (i.e. fish), and that you bring forth out of it ornaments to wear. ….
Scientists confirmed that the protein present in fish is of high nutritional value, easily digested and after absorption it doesn't leave behind except a little of waste. The fish is easier in digestion than meat; therefore it is considered a useful food for patients with digestive disorders, it also contains all the main sulphurous proteins.
The fats present in fish are characterized by their richness with unsaturated fatty acids that are useful acids not harmful ones. They are characterized by their ability to decrease the level of fats in blood and that makes them useful in the prevention of atherosclerosis, especially coronal artery heart disease.

Also the fat present in fish is easier in digestion than that in meat. God be he exalted says: (And He it is who has subjected the sea (to you), that you eat thereof fresh tender meat (i.e. fish), and that you bring forth out of it ornaments to wear. And you see the ships ploughing through it, that you may seek (thus) of His Bounty (by transporting the goods from place to place) and that you may be grateful.) [Surat An-Nahl, verse: 14].
It is realized from the previous verse that God mentioned that he subjected to us the sea to eat from it tender meat, and actually fish is considered to be the most tender meat and it is characterized by its high nutritional value, so Glory to God who subjected to us all these graces so as to thank him.
By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

Neurology Magazine.