Taking Many Steps to the Mosques

“The people who will receive the greatest reward for prayer are those who walk the furthest distance to come and pray, then those who walk the next farthest.” ….
All the new medical studies assure the importance of walking in treating many diseases such as those relating to blood pressure, heart problems, and diabetes. Walking everyday for half an hour helps improve and systematize how the heart works. It also assists in recovering the humans’ psyche, activates the muscles, and helps in getting rid of daily pressures, worries, and depression. One of prophet Muhameds’ (peace be upon him) mercies for believers is his recommendation for walking to Mosques, and his promise of gaining a great reward. He said: “The people who will receive the greatest reward for prayer are those who walk the furthest distance to come and pray, then those who walk the next farthest.” Narrated by Muslim, 662.
By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel