Miracle of Islam Spread

There are 1.5 Billion Muslims over the world, and after few years, the Islam will be the first religion….
Here is a new prophecy, in this prophecy prophet Mohummed predicted the swift spreading of Islam and that Islam would cover the whole of the earth. We will get to know this through this modern statistics regarding the number of Moslems all over the world .
Islam has begun with just one person; he was prophet Mohummed . The number of Moslems has become more than one thousand and four hundred million Moslems now !! what is the reason behind this astounding swift spread of the number of Moslems and what do the international statistics says about the number of Moslems nowadays ?
There are more than 4200 religions all over the world (1)and the statistics says the Islam is the most widely –spread religion as in 1999 the number of Moslems reached 1200 million Moslems (2), Nowadays the number of Moslems is growing increasingly in the six known continents as follows :(3)
  • In Asia, the total number of Moslems  has reached 780 Millions .
  • In Africa, the total number of Moslems  has reached 308 Millions .
  • In Europe, the total number of Moslems  has reached 32 Millions .
  • In America, the total number of Moslems  has reached 7 Millions .
  • In Australia, the total number of Moslems  has reached 358 thousands .
The number of Moslems was  less than the number of Christians in 1900 ,but the number of the Moslems will be more than the number of the Christians because of the great growth the Islamic religion .(4)
  • In 1900 the number of Moslems went as far as 12.4% while the number of Christians went as far as 26.9%.
  • In 1980  the number of Moslems all over the world went as far as 16.5% while the number of Christians went as far as 30%.
  • In 2000 the number of Moslems went as far as 19.2% while the number of Christians went as far as 29.8%.
  • But in 2025 the number of the Moslems will go as far as 30% but the number of Christians will go as far as 25%.
  • And now we come to the conclusion that Islam is increasing at the rate of 2.9%
  • a year and this is the highest rate of growth in the world .(5)
Through an astounding prophetical miracle , our great prophet showed  that Islam will cover the whole of the earth , prophet Mohummed said " Islam will go as far as day and night go" and this means that Islam will reach every part in the earth that day and the night reach and this what happened because in every country now you can find Moslems , and if we remember that  prophet Mohummed said these words when the Moslems were very few in number, in addition to their weakness , also they were in conditions that  were so hard that no one could expect that Islam would spread to reach each corner of the earth , we will understand the greatness of this miracle . This hadith to Moslems - was a consolation over their weakness and their being few in number , if Mohummed hadn't been a prophet sent from God , he would not have dared to tell his companions that Islam would stretch to every corner in the earth – how could he  be sure of that ?!
Only God, who knows the Unseen told Mohummed of this fact so as to tell his companions about it more than 1400 years ago and also to be a true sign of his prophethood .
Also one of the indications of this miracle is that prophet Mohummed associated the spread of Islam with day and nigh ,and as you know that day and night reach every point in the earth , Islam does that too. This was something that could not be imagined at that time . Another important scientific miracle is latent in the above mentioned words of prophet Mohummed  is that no one – at that time –knew how far day and night go at that time ,  and no one knew at that time that the earth is round in shape and no one dared to imagine that Islam would stretch to every corner in the earth .
God says in the holy Qu'ran:  " Fain would they put out the light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah disdaineth (aught) save that He shall perfect His light, however much the disbelievers are averse. . He it is who hath sent His messenger with the guidance and the Religion of Truth, that He may cause it to prevail over all religion, however much the idolaters may be averse. " [9/32-33].
After you contemplate about this verse" He may cause it to prevail over all religion," don't you think that it is a sign that Islam will be the most widely -spread  religion all over the world ? and this what will happen soon , God willing !  Statistics says that Islam will be the most widely- spread religion in number in the year 2025 and this fact is accurate and not an overstatement.
By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel

(1) www.adherents.com
(2) CAIR (Council on American-Islamic relations) (1999)
(3) Britannica Yearbook, 1997
(4) Muslim Population Statistics, www.muslim-canada.org.
(5) Sato Tsugitaka, Muslim Societies, Routledge,UK, 2004.