Intro to the Rightly Guided Caliphs
Today we see that many of the Muslim countries are known for ignorance, poverty, oppression etc… This is a sad reality. The worst thing about this is that many people associate these terrible things with Islam. The truth is that Islam has nothing to do with these terrible sociological problems. In reality, this bad reality which most Muslim countries live in is the result of the absence of the application of Islamic Law and correct Islamic education. In this section we will bring to your attention the greatness of the Islamic civilization and the brilliance it left for the world in its golden age which lasted for over 1000 years.
We will start with describing the Islamic State which was ruled by the companions of the Prophet (pbuh) who were known as the Khulufa ar-rashideen or 4 rightly guided[Caliph’s] which extended over 32 years. These Caliphs were the best examples in human leadership known to man. Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Ali, and Umar ibn abdul-Azeez. In this period supreme justice was spread to North Africa and the oppressive Byzantine and Persian empires were overthrown by the hand of God. Muslims and non-Muslims were awarded their rights protecting their life, religion, family, wealth, and honor. These rights were constantly transgressed upon by the previous regimes which were built out of desire for power, wealth, and worldly gains.
These Caliphs were out to spread the just law of God and to present the truth of the final message of God to its citizens leaving the choice to them. For those who said Islam was forced on anyone, I will quote a few verses from the Holy Qur’an which was the constitution of the Islamic state:
“Let there be no compulsion” (Qur’an 2:256)
“(And say to the Disbelievers) “To you be your religion and me mine” (Qur’an 109:6)
“Indeed, you do not guide whom you like, but God guides whom He wills.” (Qur’an 28:56).
We will now begin by giving a brief biography and description of each period of rule. It was the fulfilled prophecy of the Prophet of God. His servant Safeenah ibn abdur-Rahman narrated that the Prophet said-
“The (pure) [Caliphate] will continue after me for 30 years and then it will become a kingdom”. (Tirmidhi)
This Hadith was actualized by 2 years of Abu Bakr 632-34, 9.5 years of Umar 634-44, 11 years of Uthman 644-56, 5 years Ali 656-61, 2.5 years of Umar ibn abdul-Aziz 717-720.